A Potager (poe-tah-jay) is where form meets function
where nutrition meets the aesthetic.
My new word that I think describes my gardening style. I wish I had some better photos to demonstrate it.

This gal at parisiennefarmgirl it teaching a class named Potager 101 this month.
winter has been long already as I know it has been everywhere. It feels like we have had a record amount of below zero weather. I have been thinking about planting some fruit trees. So I tried to cheer myself with looking at a nursery catalog it didn't work they seem to need to be planted in zone 4 to grow. I keep telling my husband all I want to do is move to zone 4, (doesn't seem like I am asking for much). It feels so hard here at times. I hope we have a hot summer! In the mean time I will make plans for summer and that will hopefully get me through the next 3 months. Think spring!