Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ordering seeds

I ordered my vegtable seeds today.
 I ordered my seeds from Johnny seeds, and potatoes from Seed savers exchange. I had saved over my potatoes  it worked great but they were scaly last year so I was afraid of transferring that to this years crop. The postage is high from these gardening catalogs so if I can I like to order everything from one place.  I really like what Seed savers does but they didn't have carrots seeds and that was the main thing I needed. The one thing that is cool about saving your seeds is you have them. I did ordered some new Brandy Wine tomato seeds as I feel like it and the Purple Cherokee cross pollinated.

Something new to our community is Bountiful baskets. Bountiful baskets is a coop that brings low cost  fruits and vegetables straight form the farm to you. You can purchase either organic or non-organic it is wonderful, so much verity for very a reasonable price. You are being introduce to things you aren't familiar with for example I got papaya's.  In our little town of 3,000 they sold out 96 baskets in half an hour!  So lots of people excited to have fresh vegetables and fruit.

We have had such a mild winter a few skiffs of snow, very few below zero days. It has been nice. I would imagine that we will have spring snow. Spring snow is a good thing as it brings much need moisture.